Cybersecurity Exchange Publishing Guidelines
All content must be 100% unique to EC-Council and may not be published elsewhere. Publication of content elsewhere without the express permission of EC-Council will result in its removal from the EC-Council website. Content should align with topics covered by EC-Council certifications; EC-Council certifications are listed under the Programs tab at eccouncil.org.
All content submitted for publication is subject to approval. EC-Council’s agreement to review your content does not constitute acceptance of publication on the EC-Council website or anywhere else. If EC-Council accepts your work for publication, a representative of the company will reach out to you and let you know. EC-Council reserves the right to edit content before it is published.
EC-Council uses APA style. You can find APA guidelines and resources here. It is the responsibility of the author to ensure sources are cited and that they are credible, accurate, complete, and relevant. Sources should not link to competitor content. All content submitted to EC-Council for publication consideration will be reviewed and vetted internally. If it is deemed suitable for publication, it will undergo an editing process.
You are welcome to link back to any content published on EC-Council’s website from your professional website or from social media. However, any accompanying text must be original and cannot be copied from the content published on EC-Council.
Permission Requests
“Partners” are any person, institution, entity, authority, or organization outside of EC-Council that wish to place content on EC-Council for the purposes of awareness, promotion, or in a content exchange.
Partner content should follow the above guidelines. To submit partner content for consideration, you may fill out the Partner Content Form below. Not all requests are approved. Please allow up to 14 business days for a response.
Content submitted to EC-Council must be original to EC-Council. We are looking for thought leadership content that is neutral, informative, and educational. Content should not include sales pitches or heavily promote any product or brand. We do not accept product pitches or do-follow links.
Advertisers and Sponsors (Paid Content)
Sponsors and advertisers are any person, institution, entity, authority, or organization outside of EC-Council that wish to advertise or place paid content on the EC-Council Cybersecurity Exchange.
Partner content should follow the above guidelines. To submit partner content for consideration, please fill out the Sponsor and Advertiser Content Form below. Not all requests are approved. Please allow up to 14 business days for a response.