A Challenge to Business Leaders: Rethinking Your Defense Strategy to Counter Ever-evolving Threats

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Quan Heng Lim

Name: Quan Heng Lim,
Designation: Chief of Staff to the CTO, Horangi
Topic: A challenge to business leaders- Rethinking your defense strategy to counter ever evolving threats
Date of Webinar: 12th April, 2019
Time and Location: 5:30pm SGT/3:00pm IST/ 10:30am GMT

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Speaker Bio: Q works with the technology teams and other business units in Horangi to ensure Horangi continues to be driven towards her mission. He found his passion in making, breaking things and is driven to solve hard problems. He is an entrepreneur and is active in the field of cybersecurity, tinkering with electronics and writing code whenever he is able to. He loves talking to people about the need for cybersecurity, and how it can be aligned to their business strategies.

Topic Abstract: Cybersecurity across the board is in a bad state- reports of breaches and exploits are now commonplace, and those are just the tip of the iceberg. Attacks are often under-reported or undiscovered, with hints of state-sponsored attacks and advanced persistent threats rearing their ugly head now and then.

Despite all this, cybersecurity tends to the least prioritized among other issues, only coming to prominence at the news of a recent attack. How do we drive cyber strategy to be a core part of businesses, and ensure we are ready to deal with an inevitable attack?

*Examples, analysis, views and opinion shared by the speakers are personal and not endorsed by EC-Council or their respective employer(s)

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