Digital Protection Strategy

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Genséric Cantournet

Name: Genséric Cantournet (Chairman, KELONY™ Business Cindynics Enterprise and Cybersecurity Senior Advisor at PwC)
Topic: Digital Protection Strategy
Date of Webinar: 7th February, 2019
Time and Location: 2pm CET/ 6:30pm IST/ 1pm GMT

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Speaker Bio: From 1992 to 2006, Genséric Cantournet served the French Ministry of Defense and then the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In 2007, he became Security Vice-President in Telecom Italia. From 2009, while working in Telecom, he collaborated with ENISA (European Union Agency for Network and Information Security) as an expert in European Public – Private Partnership for Resilience (EP3R). He worked with the Agency to improve the resilience of Europe’s critical information infrastructure and networks in particular for Telecommunication & Data Protection.

In 2016 he became Chief Security Officer in RAI, the Mational Italian Broadcaster, responsible for managing all hazards risks from security to safety, through cyber issues.

In 2017 he founded KELONY®, the first Independent third-party body, able to verify and validate all business protection processes, based on the patented Cindynics protocol « SeVeVa™». He is subsequently appointed Cyber Security Senior Advisor at PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers).

Topic Abstract: For the first time in human history, men have chosen to put all eggs in the same basket. The digital world is a universal container that contains all the data necessary for the functioning of our societies and companies. The problem of protecting it, is not only fundamental, it is vital. Cybersecurity, information security, and IT security are just some of the aspects and ingredients necessary to achieve the goal of protecting our data, the functioning of our infrastructures, and our protection. Specialized and fragmented approaches are no longer enough to achieve and win this challenge in increasingly complex realities. A new strategy is needed.

*Examples, analysis, views and opinion shared by the speakers are personal and not endorsed by EC-Council or their respective employer(s)

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