Business Continuity in the new WFH Culture

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Arif Hameed

Speaker Arif Hameed,
Designation: Senior Director, Client Security, Equifax Canada
Topic: Business Continuity in the new WFH Culture
Date of Webinar: 29th Apr, 2020
Time and Location: 11:30 am EDT/ 09:00 pm IST/ 04:30 pm BST

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Speaker Bio:
Arif Hameed is Senior Director at Equifax, where he leads a team that handles client cybersecurity assurance activities, including questionnaires, audits, remediation support, security schedules, RFPs, etc. Before his role at Equifax, he worked at two of the largest banks in Canada in Security Advisory, IT Risk, Third-Party Cyber Risk, and IT Audit. He actively participates in industry organizations, including EC-Council, Cloud Security Alliance, SecureWorld, ISACA, and sits on the Program Advisory Committee of education institutions.

Topic Abstract:

Disasters and unexpected disruptions can impact a business negatively. Generally, these incidents don’t hinder long-term business operations, but when they do, can your business continuity plan (BCP) handle it?  

During a pandemic like COVID-19, businesses are adopting and managing the consequences of “work from home” culture. Today’s technologies indeed make it possible for organizations to enable remote working, but they also gave birth to a myriad of security concerns. That’s why businesses need a robust set of controls to ensure business resilience. They require solid planning, clear policies, and excellent communication. With this presentation, learn some of the potential deficiencies of a business continuity plan and ways to address them while managing the security and productivity of your remote workforce.   


  1. Major challenges while handling remote working situation using regular BCP.
  2. How to build a secure environment for employees working from home to ensure confidentiality and availability.

*Examples, analysis, views and opinion shared by the speakers are personal and not endorsed by EC-Council or their respective employer(s)

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