Incident Response Readiness: What to Do Before the Incident

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Lawrence Taub

Name: Lawrence Taub, Director of Security Incident Response and Threat Management at Global Payments and Adjunct Professor at Florida Institute of Technology
Topic: Incident Response Readiness- What to Do Before the Incident
Date of Webinar: 28th March, 2019
Time and Location: 8:00 am EST/5:30pm IST/1pm GMT

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Speaker Bio: Dr. Lawrence Taub has over 15 years of experience in the security field holding a variety of security titles. His background is in software engineering and he has held positions with responsibilities including penetration testing, software security, incident response, threat intelligence, and security architecture and engineering. He has worked for a variety of companies across multiple industries and fields. Dr. Taub spends his spare time teaching students to love security with the passion he has. He most recently completed teaching a 6-month intensive security boot camp at Georgia Tech. Dr. Taub is interested in all things related to security but particularly loves to hear stories about security current events or “security gone wrong”.

Topic Abstract: An effective response to an incident start well before the actual incident occurs. Much like a professional athlete spends many hours a day preparing for a contest, an incident responder is always preparing for the next incident. In this talk, we will discuss the steps that every information security program can and should take to ensure that they are fully ready to execute on their incident response plan. These steps include building a repository of information, knowledge gathering, dry runs, table top exercises, and learning from past incidents. These are not highly technical steps that anyone can do to add value to a security program. Following these steps will position an incident responder to have the most success in handling the incident.

*Examples, analysis, views and opinion shared by the speakers are personal and not endorsed by EC-Council or their respective employer(s)

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