Threat Intel and the Art of War: Why Knowing Yourself Isn’t Enough

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Matt Russell

Name: Matt Russell
Designation: Threat Intelligence Advisor,
Organization: West Coast & LATAM, CrowdStrike,
Topic: Threat Intel and the Art of War: Why Knowing Yourself Isn’t Enough
Date of Webinar: 3rd Oct, 2019
Time and Location: 11am CDT/ 9:30pm IST/ 4pm GMT

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Speaker Bio: Matt Russell an internationally seasoned business and technology executive. He combines the exceptional leadership skills he learned leading and training intelligence teams in US Special Operations, with his commercial experience in consulting and industry to successfully operate across a variety of business domains, geographic boundaries, and cultural landscapes. Matt spent 5 years living and working in Asia and possesses advanced fluency in both Korean and Spanish.

Topic Abstract: In Sun Tzu’s seminal work The Art of War, he famously states that “If you know yourself and you know your enemy, then from 100 battles comes 100 victories.” In today’s world security organizations continue to gain increased knowledge and insight into their own networks and environments, but we often lag behind in our understanding of the enemy. In this talk we will discuss both the strategic and technical application of threat intelligence and why it is no longer a “nice to have” commodity in a modern security organization.
The following aspects will be covered:

*Examples, analysis, views and opinion shared by the speakers are personal and not endorsed by EC-Council or their respective employer(s)

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