Token Sale Economics: The Evolution of the ICO

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Sean Brizendine

Name: Sean Brizendine, Blockchain Advisor-Vegan Nation
Topic: Token Sale Economics: The Evolution of the ICO
Date of Webinar: 8th August 2018 
Time and Location: 8PM Pacific Time/8:30 AM IST/11:AM SGT

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Topic Abstract: The ICO concept began as a Token Sale held by Mastercoin in July 2013. The total funds raised peaked at approximately 4740 BTC and so began the ICO Concept soon to be outdone by the historic Ethereum Crowdsale selling yet to be created Fuel Tokens called Ether.

*Examples, analysis, views and opinion shared by the speakers are personal and not endorsed by EC-Council or their respective employer(s)

Certificate of Attendance from EC-Council University will be awarded to all the participants on attending the entire session.

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