Adam Pogorzelski

T-Mobile Polska S.A.

My Recent Accomplishments:

I just realized that being here, thinking about my accomplishments, is a major and serious accomplishment, with an invitation to apply to a Hall of Fame.

What would not have been possible without CEH?

I have always been affected with impostor syndrome. I’ve had little confidence in my knowledge and experience. When I passed the exam and earned the CEH certificate, my life changed significantly. I started to see myself as a Certified Ethical Hacker.

How did CEH contribute to your career?

I’ve started to spread how security is important in my daughter’s elementary classroom and what’s most important – how critical it is to behave ethically with cybersecurity.

During the pandemic, did your role become more challenging? If so, how?​

During the pandemic, CEH program taught me how to operate and keep calm in the face of so many threats. Thanks to skills that I’ve attained, I did identify possible vector attacks connected with remote work.