Portugal is a high income developed country in the European Union. With steady technological advancements, Portugal reported a total of 850 complaints against various IT crimes in data theft and loss in 2015. Along with total crimes reported, within the country about 300 or more people were made official suspects in the ongoing investigations out of which 28 of them were declared hackers. While looking into the reported cyber-crime, 500 were found to be cyber-attacks. Such alarming rates of cyber crime originating from within the country only give us a picture of the wide spectrum of threats and danger an organizations data and networks face. In addition, extra critical pressure and burden on the security team to be agile and effective in counterattacking or at least preventing such attacks to take place.
Over time due to technological advancements, cyber threats and attacks have evolved and increased at a very high rate, occurring over and over again without a sign of threat to them. EC-Council for this reason continuously updates all its ethical hacking training, online hacking courses, and incorporates the latest technology, tools, techniques and methods used in the cyber attacks.