Cynthia Rethnasamy


Microsoft Surface

My Recent Accomplishments:

I achieved a Certificate of Recognition from Royal Dutch Shell for performing Outstanding IT Infrastructure Services in 2008. Secondly, I obtained a score of 160 and became the top scorer within the upper two percent of the general population.

What would not have been possible without CEH?

I have been offered scholarships for both programs – Project Management and Micro MBA. CEH has played an important role in my career. I have also been offered a respectful career in reputable companies such as Facebook and ARVR, and currently, I am working for Microsoft.

How did CEH contribute to your career?

Having specialized in CEH gives me a sense of confidence to explore further with sets of knowledge, skills, and ethos. Curiosity to learn and explore the internet, identify the possible flaws and vulnerabilities within systems.

During the pandemic, did your role become more challenging? If so, how?​

It gave me an opportunity to re-examine the cyber security policies and capabilities. I improved my organisation’s cyber security resilience.