Global cybersecurity education and services company, EC-Council, today announced the appointment of Tim Rosenberg, a well renowned cyber gamification expert, as the Executive Director of EC-Council Research.“Over the past few years, through research, we have established a strong, educated opinion on what is really needed in the market going forward. One honest realization we came to is that this is not a project or a part-time effort. To truly succeed this will take a full-time effort and significant experience in this field.” says Steve Graham, Senior Vice President at EC-Council (North America).
Tim will focus on ensuring that the organization’s strategic and operational plans for research and knowledge exchange are amplified globally.
Tim was the Associate Research Professor at the George Washington University where he taught Information Warfare and Computer Security courses as well as an Adjunct for Georgetown University’s Security Studies Program. He designed, built, and delivered every aspect of cyber exercises including a comprehensive scoring engine capable of scoring offense and defense players across multiple exercises. This exercise experience included some of the first integrations of SCADA, VoIP, IPv6, and custom hardware into the event ranges.
“I look forward to creating a massive impact in the cyber profession through EC-Council,” says Tim Rosenberg, “While working with Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab and White Wolf Security we innovated a lot, made a lot of mistakes, and did a lot of things. I hope to be able to take that learning and establish a strong strategic plan for EC-Council.”
Tim also uses his love of tech education and travel to support charity work at Hackers for Charity and Beyond the Mountain. Through these two charities, he has traveled to Jinja, Uganda, and the Solukhumbu District of Nepal helping to build tech-driven educational solutions to remote and austere environments.
About EC Council:
EC-Council has been the world’s leading information security certification body since the launch of their flagship program, Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), which created the ethical hacking industry in 2002. Since the launch of CEH, EC-Council has added industry-leading programs to their portfolio to cover all aspects of information security including EC-Council Certified Security Analyst (ECSA), Computer Hacking Forensics Investigator (CHFI), Certified Chief Information Security Officer (CCISO), among others. EC-Council Foundation, the non-profit branch of EC-Council, created Global CyberLympics, the world’s first global hacking competition. EC-Council Foundation also hosts a suite of conferences across the US and around the world including Hacker Halted, Global CISO Forum, TakeDownCon, and CISO Summit.
To know more about EC-Council, visit