In a bid to make cyber security training more accessible, EC-Council has partnered with Affirm to help current and aspiring cyber professionals advance their careers with the knowledge organizations need today.
The U.S. needs more trained cyber security professionals than ever before. That fact is underlined by two statistics. First, according to Cybersecurity Ventures there are now 3.5 million unfilled cyber security jobs worldwide. Second, according to the same report, fewer than one in four of the candidates applying for these unfilled jobs are even qualified. The world needs more qualified cyber security professionals and EC-Council, the creators of the Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) certification, has partnered with Affirm in order to make that training more affordable than ever before. Now, qualified U.S. customers can access training immediately while paying over time. Paired with the newly launched Certification Club, earning the certifications and gaining the knowledge needed for these unfilled security jobs just got more affordable. The Certification Club is an innovative addition to EC-Council’s offerings as it gives students year-round education and access to training across the spectrum of the security industry without having to buy each certification class, exam, and lab access separately. Club members get access to one complete class including certification exam, the option to add additional courses at a discount, and through EC-Council’s CodeRed platform, access to a repository of 4,000 educational videos for continuing education.
What does this mean to the average consumer? It means that, depending on their Affirm approval, they could have access to continuing training every year while paying over time with as low as 0% interest. Not all companies invest in their employees’ training so many aspiring and current cyber security professionals are forced to pay for their own education. Financing their Certification Club membership is the most budget-friendly way to keep abreast of the cyber security industry, earn continuing education credits, and add at least one certification a year to their name.
Once approved by Affirm, Certification Club customers will be able to customize their learning by choosing their full certification class based on their interests, skill level, and career goals. The Club was created because EC-Council recognizes that buying one certification at a time is an outdated model and doesn’t fit the needs of today’s cybersecurity industry. EC-Council also recognizes that cybersecurity professionals need to keep their skills up-to-date in order to defend against the evolving threat landscape and to stay competitive on the job market but aren’t always funded by their companies to do so.
While many people know EC-Council for our flagship certification Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), EC-Council certifications span the industry. From network defense (Certified Network Defender, CND) to executive management (Certified CISO, CCISO) to secure coding (CASE.Net and CASE.Java) to forensics (Computer Hacking Forensics Investigator, CHFI) to penetration testing (Certified Penetration Tester, CPENT) and so much more, EC-Council has a training program for all security niches. For those not ready to tackle CEH yet, the Ethical Hacking Core Skills (EHCS) program may be the best place to begin and work your way up to CEH and beyond. Students are advised to study the certification career tracks to see which certification makes the most sense for their career goals.