Hacker Halted Security Conference Free for Women through IBM Security Scholarship

Today EC-Council announced that IBM Security will once again fund a scholarship program for women to attend EC-Council’s Hacker Halted (https://www.hackerhalted.com/registration/) security conference free of charge and this year, veterans will also be eligible for the funds.

Women and veterans who wish to register for Hacker Halted under the IBM Security scholarship should register here:
Code for Women: https://hackerhalted2019.eventbrite.com?discount=HH19IBM 
Code for Veterans: https://hackerhalted2019.eventbrite.com?discount=IBM2019VET

Funded by IBM Security, the scholarship is designed to help address the underrepresentation of women and veterans in cybersecurity and help them further their skills and expertise in this high-demand field. Hacker Halted 2017 and 2018 saw a large increase in female attendees due to the support of IBM Security and the sponsorship fund. In fact, approximately 34% of last year’s registrants were women – a huge number for information security conferences. IBM Security and EC-Council hope for similar results for the veteran population.

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