The Colloquium for Information Systems Security Education Industry Award

June, 2013


Whereas he had led the development of the Training and Professional Development Program in the areas of Secure Analyst & Licensed Penetration tester, and,

Whereas he has been an international leader and promoter for Information Assurance Education and Training, and

Whereas he has been a long-time advocate for the teaching of ethics in Information Assurance Education programs, and

Whereas he has been recognized for his outstanding leadership in promoting Information Assurance educational programs, and

Whereas his leadership has been instrumental in developing global cyber ompetitions in information assurance, and

Whereas he has consistently been available to support and address The Colloquium, and

Whereas he has given generously of his leadership to colleges and universities around the nation, and

Whereas he has been recognized, nominated, and elected by The Colloquium Board of Directors for his continuing contribution,

Therefore be it known that Mr. Jay Bavisi is the recipient of the 2013 Colloquium Award for Government services along with the perquisites and privileges attaching thereto

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