Kumara Rangaiah

FedEx Express

My Recent Accomplishments:

Obtaining CEH, CISSP, CISM, and SABSA SCF Certifications has contributed to security practices I’ve implemented in all the companies that I have worked for. I also implemented enterprise risk and vulnerability management security architect analysis for multiple projects.

What would not have been possible without CEH?

I took CEH training, followed by certification, which gave me insight into many penetration testing tools. This allowed my manager to allocate me with penetration testing activities that kickstarted a nice journey to explore further.

How did CEH contribute to your career?

CEH has certainly helped me understand the concepts and gave me much confidence to progress further and enabled me to broaden my expertise.

During the pandemic, did your role become more challenging? If so, how?

CEH has been one of the foundational certificates I hold, along with many other certificates and overall experience. I am able to help my organization prioritize the risks and ensure the impact is reduced.