Nottingham City Council IT Training service is responsible for the development of critical IT and cybersecurity capacity and capability for all its 20 wards in Nottingham City. By partnering with EC-Council, IT professionals in Nottingham and the surrounding areas now have access to the world-class EC-Council C|EH (Certified Ethical Hacker) training and credentials.
“Nottingham City Council IT Training Service wants to ensure that local public-sector bodies and the many high-profile businesses in Nottingham, can access high quality cybersecurity training locally, and as such, we welcome this strategic partnership with EC-Council,” said Simon Salmon, Head of IT at Nottingham City Council.
IT Security remains a key concern across the globe, with 45% of organisations identifying that they have a shortage of cybersecurity skills, this amounts to a global shortage of some two million professionals. While the U.K. was once hailed as a world leader in cybersecurity expertise, today she stands the plight of facing escalating demand and a pool of resources that continues to shrink by the day. Training a task force to be able to tackle and resolve such concerns, seems to be the urgent need of the hour.
“The shortage, both locally and internationally, of skilled security experts remains a key issue across all business sectors. The Certified Ethical Hacker program will help promote key digital skills across the East Midlands, helping us tackle the complex and increasingly prevalent cybersecurity challenges that we face,” said Jay Bavisi, President of the EC-Council Group.
The shortage of quality cybersecurity professionals however, profoundly affects organizations operating in an increasingly digital world, with both public and private sector organizations feeling the impact.
“As a training and certification body and the proud creator of C|EH, it is very heartening for EC-Council to see Nottingham City Council, exhibit such faith in our ethical hacking program. C|EH is famous across the globe for being one of the best ethical hacker courses and associations like such, which facilitate a smooth spread of critical knowledge to the deserving people, only bolster confidence in our products thus motivating us to go the extra mile in ensuring quality at all times”, said Philip Blake, Country Manager for EC-Council, United Kingdom.
A Certified Ethical Hacker is a skilled professional who understands and knows how to look for weaknesses and vulnerabilities in target systems and uses the same knowledge and tools as a malicious hacker, but in a lawful and legitimate manner to assess the security posture of a target system. The C|EH credential certifies individuals in the specific network security discipline of Ethical Hacking from a vendor-neutral perspective.
This course is designed to immerse professionals into the ‘Hacker Mind-set’ so that they can defend more effectively against attacks. Unlike other ethical hacking programs, C|EH puts a professional in the driver’s seat, utilizing a hands-on, labs driven environment which enhances the actual skill set required by today’s cybersecurity professionals.
Professionals are exposed to an entirely different way of achieving optimal information security posture in their respective organization; by hacking it! They will be taught the five phases of ethical hacking and the ways to approach your target and succeed at breaking in every time! The five phases include reconnaissance, gaining access, enumeration, maintaining access, and covering your tracks.
About EC-Council:
EC-Council has been the world’s leading information security certification body since the launch of their flagship program, Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), which created the ethical hacking industry in 2002. Since the launch of CEH, EC-Council has added industry-leading programs to their portfolio to cover all aspects of information security including EC-Council Certified Security Analyst (ECSA), Computer Hacking Forensics Investigator (CHFI), Certified Chief Information Security Officer (CCISO), among others. EC-Council Foundation, the non-profit branch of EC-Council, created Global Cyberlympics, the world’s first global hacking competition. EC-Council Foundation also hosts a suite of conferences across the U.S. and around the world including Hacker Halted, Global CISO Forum, TakeDownCon, and CISO Summit.
For more information about EC-Council, please see
About C|EH:
The Certified Ethical Hacker program is the most desired information security training program any information security professional will ever want to be in. To master the hacking technologies, you will need to become one, but an ethical one! The accredited course provides the advanced hacking tools and techniques used by hackers and information security professionals alike to break into an organization.
For more information, visit