Rafael's 15-Day Job Miracle: Acquiring a Job in the U.S. After Completing the C|EH
Title: Security Analyst
Company: Tracepoint
Country: United States
Is C|EH Worth It?
What caught your attention about the C|EH program?
What caught my attention in the C|EH was that I have a few friends that are certificate junkies. They told me to look on the internet about the C|EH.
I already knew that C|EH was one of the top five certifications in cybersecurity. And they also recommended it, saying,
Yeah, C|EH is one of the top five, and it will be good for you to start from there.
Because I already had a level, it will probably challenge me more than a different certificate. So, I started studying, and here we are now!
Most importantly, I needed to feel challenged in my career, and a certificate like the C|EH is difficult to get. You must have a basic knowledge of everything to be like a jack of all trades and to think like a white hacker. So that’s how it benefits my career.
C|EH is widely recognized
If you Google it, it will appear in the top five certificates a person directed to the cybersecurity sector needs to have. I think it gives you a pretty good basis for everything you need to know, and then the sky is the limit. But I think it’s a very good option.
Yes, it did. When I decided to move from Spain to the United States, I struggled a little bit at the beginning with different jobs because of the pandemic. But I decided to quit my job and start studying C|EH, and after 15 days, I got the certificate, and a company named Tracepoint called me on December 20, 2020.
I’m still there, and I’m happy with them.
How has the C|EH certification impacted you?
It impacted me in so many ways, as I mentioned before. I got a job quickly as a consultant and a cybersecurity engineer. And the
C|EH allowed me to demonstrate all my skills as a white hat hacker.
I know a little bit of everything in this sector.
Did C|EH help you give back to the community in any way?
I think so because once people know you are in this sector, they ask you everything like, “Is this computer better? Is this router better? Is my Wi-Fi protected?”
I have a good friend who also goes to a church, and they asked me a few questions about the Wi-Fi. I helped them to configure Wi-Fi as best as possible and select the best router. Of course, I think it helped me, and I can give back to society.
I have too many favorites, but I will say the networking and the security foundations, including footprinting and reconnaissance.
If I must pick one of them, security foundations will be my favorite chapter for sure.
Yes, I attribute a lot of my success to this certificate.
And I think there are many more to come. But this one challenged me at the right moment to continue my love for cybersecurity.
The message for EC-Council is to thank you for this opportunity, and I express my gratitude for your courses. They are very interesting. And it challenged me a lot because it was very difficult, but I thank you all.
Thank you to all the people who are involved in EC-Council for allowing us to let the people know how good it is. Thank you.
Tell us about your journey as a cybersecurity professional.
My cybersecurity career started in Spain in 2013. 2012-2013 was really fun because I was studying computer science.
Then I got a call from a company named 21 Sec stating that they were looking for people on the first level to start, and I said, “Okay, let me go there,” and I met HR to see what was going on.
At the very beginning, they rejected me because they had other candidates, but after a month, they called me again and offered me the job. I told them I was studying, but they finally convinced me that this was something new, like “This is something that we’re going to teach you.
There is no place better than this right now that teaches cybersecurity, and we’re going to teach you the job, and you will get enough experience.” So, that’s my journey till now, you know, eight to nine years of experience in cybersecurity!
Is CEH Worth It?
Key Features of CEH:
Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) program powered by AI, which provides hands-on experience with:
- CEH is the only cybersecurity training with a unique learning framework: (i) Learn, (ii) Certify, (iii) Engage, and (iv) Compete.
- 221 labs and 551 attack techniques
- Access to 4,000+ hacking tools
- Master AI-driven cybersecurity skills, including learning to hack AI-based systems
- CEH Engage, a live hacking simulation on real networks
- CEH Compete, with 12 Capture-The-Flag (CTF) challenges for skill sharpening
- CEH includes a 4-hour, 125-question, knowledge-based, and a 6-hour practical exam with 20 practical scenarios to validate skills. Both the exams are ANAB 17024 approved and US DoD accredited.
- World’s no.1 ethical hacking certification and the only ethical hacking certification with AI driven capabilities
The CEH certification is globally recognized and mapped to 49 cybersecurity job roles, offering a higher employability rate and strong career growth potential.
Facts about the Certified Ethical Hacker (C|EH) program as reported by thousands of seasoned cybersecurity professionals in the C|EH Hall of Fame.
- 1 in every 2 Professionals Received Promotions After C|EH
- 97% Of Professionals Stated That Skills Acquired in C|EH Helped Safeguard Their Organizations
- 95% Chose C|EH for Career Growth.
- 93% Of Professionals Stated That C|EH Skills Improved Their Organizational Security
- 97% Of Professionals Found C|EH Labs to Accurately Mimic Real-World Cyber Threats
- 92% Of Hiring Managers Prefer Candidates With C|EH For Jobs That Require Ethical Hacking Skills.
- 92% Of Professionals Reported That C|EH Boosted Their Self Confidence
Certified Ethical Hacker (World’s No.1 Ethical Hacker Certification)
- For 20 years
- Relied upon by the Pentagon and by various U.S. government agencies.
- Trusted & Hired by Governments and 500 Fortune Companies
C|EH is used in 7 of the Fortune 10, 47 of the Fortune 100 across many cybersecurity functions, making it a de facto standard in both the public and private sectors.